May 30, 2022

United Auto Merchants Association Re-Design

Recently, DreamVIz and its partners were commissioned to re-design and develop a new website for popular NYC non-profit organization, United Auto Merchants Association - also known as UAMA.Our client came to us with a clear vision, they wanted a new website.....

United Auto Merchants Association Re-Design

United Auto Merchants Association Website Re-Design

Recently, DreamVIz and its partners were commissioned to re-design and develop a new website for popular NYC non-profit organization, United Auto Merchants Association - also known as UAMA.

Our client came to us with a clear vision, they wanted a new website that was modern and cutting edge. In addition to a re-design they wanted to add the follwoing features.

  1. Vendor directory to allow visitors to browse a list of its members and services provided
  2. Online payment system and gateway for membership subscription
  3. The ability to offer paid webinar and training via the website
  4. Scalable design and development to allow for the addition of new features

We understood their vision and delivered

A brief preview of the website
What makes good web design & development?

Good web design and development isn't the easiest thing to do, but it's for sure the best thing to do. We believe at DreamViz that these basic principles reside in any good web deployment.

  • Highly engaging content that grabs and retains the user's attention
  • User friendly navigation
  • Organized and optimized content for both user consumption and SEO
  • A website that leaves the user eager to explore and engage the content
Technologies used in this development
  • HTML5
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Photoshop
  • Adobe XD
“DreamViz has not only met, but they have exceeded all of our expectations.”
Actual Client Testimonial

You can visit the website here and take a look for yourself.